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Welcome to GSTgear

GSTgear is currently working on setting up a new production location, will be out of stock until this is finished. Check News for updates.

2 companies behind GSTgear

Gstgear has 2 companies behind it and same owners, but with different responsibility.

GSTgear AS:
The main focus on GSTgear AS company as the owner of Gstove trademark is following:
Keep track on Gstove compensations after Gstove company went bankrupt in 2022 to ensure that no customers of Gstove will loose their money, GSTgear ensures that all gets compensated gradually when procuctions is up and running and stock is available and handles sales of Gstove products.

GST Global AS:
The main focus for GST Global AS company is the owner of GSTgear brand and designs and has nothing to do with previous Gstove brand, and will handle all designs and development for all products released with GStgear brand.
The owners of GST Global AS is the designers behind the Gstove products and quality control and will forward release upgrades and more products for the outdoors under the GSTgear brand.
GST Global AS has it own production location under establishment for stove products, this has taken longer time than estimated and we will inform more on this on next news and update post.
GST Global AS is the owner of this webshop and email adresses.