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Welcome to GSTgear

GSTgear is currently working on setting up a new production location, will be out of stock until this is finished. Check News for updates.

Gstove Liquidation and compensation

The company Gstove went in 2022 bankrupt and that process is still not finished but we have received information that this is in the final stages now and should be finished around august, we in GSTgear will ensure that all customers both private and business customers will be compensated.

GSTgear is a seperate company and is not obligated to do this, but since we are the trademark owner and designers behind the Gstove products we will ensure that no customers loose money on the Gstove company bankruptcy.
This will take time as we have to compensate based on finance and stock availability after productions is fully up and running.

Regarding the Gstove liquidation process, we will when this is finished get the documents stating who gets compensated through that, and who does not.
When this is finalised we will adjust the list of all customers (we have all order confirmations from customers from Gstove company that was not delivered)
When stock start to arrive, we gradually begin the compensation progress in following order:
1. All private customers that have sent in email to with documentation.
2. The remaing private customers that we will gradually contact based on stock availability.
3. Business customers (These already have compensation options available and is beeing compensated gradually, more options for compensations will be available when stock is available and then the remaining business customers will be contacted.)
The compensation process will take time and is depended on finance and stock availability and also when production location is finished and ready to manufacture the products, we can not start to compensate until products is available.

Important info:
GSTgear is not obligated to compensate and it is not legal to refund orders since GSTgear never received any payments, that the Gstove company did, so it is not possible to refund something GSTgear never have received, this means we in GSTgear have to compensate with different options that we will share more info regarding when productions is up and running and stock is available to start this process.